Agreement: Green hydrogen plant to be built in Ånge

International renewable energy company RES aims to establish a production facility for green hydrogen in Ånge, according to a memorandum signed in December. Developed in collaboration with Ånge municipality, the new plant will deliver green hydrogen to be used in local industry, as well as create new jobs and make Ånge a hub for renewable energy.

High Coast Invest together with Ånge municipality has been promoting the Alby site for little more than year. The agreement provides further proof that our region is a sweet spot, combining access to green energy, available land and zealous partners.

– There is a great interest in green hydrogen for a number of applications, and to produce it we need energy and water. This makes Alby the perfect site. We see green hydrogen as a key ingredient in the change towards renewable energy, and this is exactly the kind of projects that we love working with, says Mikael Aamisepp, High Coast Invest.

Local wind energy projects as well as available power grid capacity are strong arguments for the location in Ånge. The memorandum of understanding that was signed in December allow the partners to move forward with the plans. The goal is to start production in 2024/2025.


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