New all-time high for High Coast tourism

The summer of 2020 once again proved that the High Coast region is a main attraction for both Swedes and visitors from abroad. Commercial guest nights including hotels, hostels and cabins were up by 21 percent compared to 2019, the year before the pandemic. All in all, the region counts 359 619 guest nights during June, July and August. 

Junsele Zoo boasts 30 000 visitors during the summer, and a whopping 40 000 travellers took the ferry to the High Coast archipelago onboard M/F Ulvön and M/F Minerva.

All in all, the summer of 2021 marks a continued surge in visitors and good news for all of the entrepreneurs involved.

– Our mission is to make the High Coast of Sweden an attractive, sustainable, and available destination that more and more people long for. The High Coast is a clear winner with fantastic nature and culture experiences to offer, says Mia Karlsson, CEO at Höga Kusten Destinationsutveckling.

Meanwhile, Sweden climbs a step in the Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brand Index, making it the world’s 13th best tourist destination in a fresh survey for 2021. The Swedish nature and outdoors are what most people find exciting, and words that responders associate with Sweden are “fascinating”, “relaxing”, “educative” and “exciting”. 


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